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Is It Worth Hiring A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Hire a motorcycle accident lawyer

When you spend your hard-earned money, you want to ensure that what you are paying for is worth it. But when you hire a motorcycle lawyer, more than your wallet is on the line. Since you will rely on your attorney to maximize your compensation, you should hire someone you can trust.

At Fielding Law, we strive to deliver quality representation so our clients can focus on their healing. If you hire us, we want to maximize your compensation and minimize your stress.

Is hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer worth it? The information provided below will help you answer that question. When you are ready to discuss the specifics of your case, contact us at (877) 880-4090.

Determining the Value of Legal Representation

Worth is defined as a quality that makes something useful, wanted, or valuable. Therefore, when determining the worth of legal assistance, you should evaluate the following qualities of motorcycle accident lawyers.


Successfully resolving a motorcycle accident claim requires skill. A personal injury lawyer should be able to:

  • Understand and apply legal knowledge to complex real-life situations
  • Communicate with clients facing challenging times
  • Negotiate with insurance companies 
  • Analyze problems and brainstorm creative solutions
  • Predict future issues and develop strategies to minimize risks

Skillful lawyers can build a strong reputation in the industry. Testimonials, case results, and word-of-mouth are useful resources for learning whether a law firm’s attorneys possess the essential skills necessary to handle your needs.


An efficient lawyer takes well-organized and precise actions, minimizing wasted time, effort, and expenses. A supportive team contributes by taking care of delegated tasks, allowing the attorney to focus on the most critical priorities. These savings reach their clients through faster case resolutions and reduced legal fees.

Efficiency also supports good communication. Lawyers who manage their time well can respond promptly to questions and messages because ineffective tasks do not bog them down.


The months after a motorcycle accident can be stressful, and doubts and anxieties only make matters worse. Having a responsive lawyer on your side who promptly addresses your questions and concerns is crucial. 

An attorney should keep you informed about the progress of your case and provide timely updates. This level of responsiveness helps build trust and confidence in your lawyer, knowing he or she is actively engaged in your case and there to support you every step of the way.

Worthy attorneys handle legal issues with skill, allowing injured clients to recuperate with the confidence that their cases are in good hands. They are efficient and responsive as they seek maximum compensation for their clients. 

Comparing the Costs of Different Law Firms 

How much does it cost to hire a lawyer? There is no standard rate for legal help, so you will need to do some research.

First, find out whether the lawyer offers free consultations. During your visit, you can ask about the law firm’s fee program (e.g. hourly, contingency, retainer, flat rate, or hybrid). Doing so will help you develop an estimate of the entire cost of pursuing compensation for your losses.

Since lawsuits can be expensive, the threat of high legal bills could prevent some accident victims from even considering hiring a lawyer. The personal injury attorneys at Fielding Law, though, believe that finances should never restrict justice. So our attorneys work on a contingency basis while accident victims like you pay nothing out of pocket. 

Easing the Anxieties of Motorcycle Claims

Motorcycle accident survivors can suffer physical and emotional trauma that greatly impacts their lives. Only you know how your experience affects you. 

For example, you may experience:

  • Fear of driving or riding motorcycles
  • Debilitating injuries that cause pain and prevent you from doing what you enjoy
  • Financial concerns arising from medical bills, lost wages, and long-term rehabilitation costs

Stress after a traumatic event like a car accident can influence your long-term health both mentally and emotionally. Dealing with post-traumatic stress can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety and uncertainty. 

Hiring a personal injury lawyer can provide a sense of relief and alleviate some of the stress that motorcycle accident survivors face. A skilled attorney can guide them through the legal process. He or she can ensure that an injured victim’s rights are protected so he or she can receive needed compensation. 

Overall, hiring a personal injury lawyer can be a crucial step in helping motorcycle accident survivors overcome their anxieties and move forward with their lives. At Fielding Law, it is not enough for us to simply handle your case. We provide quality representation so you can focus on your healing.

Avoiding Irreparable Errors

In some minor motorcycle claims, if you are uninjured and the other motorist admits fault, collecting insurance money might be a straightforward process. 

The following questions can help you decide whether you need the assistance of a personal injury lawyer:

  • Did I suffer severe or permanent injuries?
  • Am I acting on behalf of an underage, disabled, or deceased victim?
  • Am I being accused of being at least partially responsible for the accident?
  • Did the motorcycle crash worsen my pre-existing health condition?
  • Did the motorcycle accident injure more than one individual?
  • Did a mechanical problem or defective safety device contribute to my injuries?
  • Will you need ongoing medical treatment (e.g. surgeries or physical therapy)?

An affirmative answer to any of these questions could indicate that your motorcycle accident will prove very complex. Handling such a claim with limited law experience could result in undesirable results, such as receiving minimal compensation or forfeiting your rights. 

Did you know that mistakes can result in you losing your chance to receive compensation? For instance, motorcycle injury lawsuits are subject to strict deadlines called statutes of limitations. 

These nonnegotiable time limits restrict how long specific legal actions can be taken after an accident. It would be a shame to lose your case because you filed a claim too late or failed to submit evidence promptly.

Another common error is suing the wrong party. An accident lawyer can correctly identify the liable party according to legal standards, but you could lose precious time and resources if you sue the wrong person.

Relying on experienced motorcycle lawyers can help you to avoid costly mistakes. When they take the necessary steps accurately and on time, they can increase your chances of a successful outcome for your personal injury lawsuit. 

Discover Our Worth for Free

By discussing your case with a professional, you can find out the strength of your claim, the potential compensation you may be entitled to, and the best course of action to take. Your free consultation also allows you to ask questions, express your concerns, and better understand personal injury law related to your case. 

The attorneys at Fielding Law strive to provide clients with quality representation without charging them upfront. We encourage you to consult us before you take any legal action. 

Schedule your free motorcycle case review by calling (877) 880-4090 or click the live chat button below. One of our representatives is always standing by, so call now to discover the benefits that experienced personal injury lawyers can bring to your case.