What type of injury have you suffered?

Car Accident

  • Car Accident
  • Head Injury
  • Premises Liability
  • Products Liability
  • Truck Accident
  • Wrongful Death
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Injury Law Services

Bicycle Accident 

Bicycle accidents can happen anywhere and can result in serious injury for the cyclist. It is important to seek the appropriate representation.

Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be a life-altering event and can happen in a flash. Brain injuries often result in what are known as “invisible disabilities” which leave the victim suffering symptoms that are hard to see by others. 

Car Accident

A car accident injuries can be traumatizing in the moment, and also in the months to come. You could be overwhelmed with medical bills and out-of-pocket costs. You may need to talk with an experienced attorney.

Dog Bite

Dog bites are a major cause of injury in the United States. If a neighbor or stranger’s dog bites you, it is important to know that you have legal rights.

Motorycle Accident

Suffering from a devastating aftermath of a motorcycle accident can make you feel alone. It’s important to know that you won’t face your battle alone with the help of Fielding Law.

Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian collisions can be some of the most severe injury cases. Negligent drivers, distracted walkers, as well as dangerous city infrastructures contribute to many pedestrian accidents each year.

Premises Liability

Premises liability is defined as an owner of a property, property manager, or anyone overseeing the premises of the property is required to maintain the property to a reasonable safety level.

Product Liability

Even with consumer protection laws and state-of-the-art production methods, many people are still injured while using consumer products. There is a legal obligation by manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers have a legal obligation to make sure the product is safe.

Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents can occur frequently and easily result in broken bones, bruises, and even worse. If you have suffered from injuries caused by a slip and fall, it is important to know your options.

Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries can turn a victim’s life completely upside down. Spinal cord injuries don’t always only affect the victim, in many cases the financial burden of those injuries fall to family as well.

Truck Accident

An accident involving a large truck can be catastrophic and result in very serious injuries. To protect others on the road truck drivers are heavily regulated in state and federal laws. 

Wrongful Death

If you are suffering the devastating loss of a loved one due to another person’s improper conduct, it’s important to know that you don’t have to face your struggle alone.

Accidents happen every day, often injuring those involved. Sometimes, someone’s negligence causes accidents. If you sustained injuries because of an accident that someone else caused, you might have grounds to file a personal injury claim.

Many kinds of insurance policies protect policyholders against liability, but unfortunately, most insurance carriers don’t want to pay damages in liability-related issues. They often make offers of minimal compensation to accident victims. Injured accident survivors often turn to Fielding Law to represent their interests against greedy insurance companies.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

The vast majority of personal injury cases involve negligence. The legal definition of negligence is “a failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances.” Most of the time, negligence takes the form of an action; however, failing to act is negligence in some cases.

To prove negligence, you must show that:

  • Someone owed you a duty of care.
  • That person failed to provide that duty of care.
  • You sustained injuries in an accident.
  • That person caused the accident due to their negligence and, therefore, your injuries.

As an example, all drivers must safely operate their vehicles to protect themselves and others from the risk of a collision. That is their duty of care. If a driver does anything considered unsafe and causes an accident, he or she is probably guilty of negligence. If so, those injured in the accident may qualify to file a personal injury claim against the responsible party.

If you have a valid personal injury claim, your attorney will assist you in filing liability insurance claims to compensate you for your damages. We also act as your spokesperson with insurance companies to protect your rights.

We can successfully settle most personal injury claims without going to court, winning maximum compensation for our clients. However, we will litigate your case in a civil trial if necessary. Our duty is to keep insurance company representatives from taking advantage of unwary accident victims.

What Should You Do After an Accident?

In any kind of accident involving injuries, those involved should do several things, if possible. If your injuries allow, you need to:

  • Try to assist or at least assess others injured in the same incident.
  • Notify the authorities. Notify the manager if your accident takes place in a business. If your accident is on a roadway, call the police. During your call, tell the operator the number of people involved and what kinds of injuries they have. This allows dispatchers to send appropriate first responders to the accident scene.
  • Use your phone to record as many details as possible of the accident site. These details may include photos and videos of the scene, property damage, wounds, witness statements, skid marks, a hazard that caused a slip and fall, the time of day, weather conditions, and any other pertinent details that can help your attorney build a case for you. Record your own statement as well while the details are fresh in your mind.
  • Accept medical attention if provided. If no medical personnel respond to your accident site, see a medical professional as soon as possible after you leave. This is vital because it allows for a detailed assessment of your physical condition immediately after the accident. It can also save your life.
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer. Evidence can disappear over time, and witness recollections of the accident may become less accurate as time passes. Hiring an attorney quickly lets us start building your case right away.

There are also things you shouldn’t do because they might damage your personal injury claim:

  • Don’t cease recommended medical treatments. The amount of compensation you might receive is partially dependent upon the severity of your injuries and their impact on your life. If you stop treatments for any reason, stingy insurance companies may attempt to say that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim.
  • Stay away from social media. Once you post something on social media accounts, investigators can use it as evidence against you. If you claim to be bedridden but post a selfie of yourself playing with your dog in the backyard, you’ll lose credibility. You might also lose potential compensation.
  • Don’t admit to any degree of fault for your accident or your injuries to anyone, although you should always be truthful with your attorney.
  • Don’t speak to anyone from insurance companies without your attorney present. These representatives often use tactics to get you to agree to fault or a low settlement. Your lawyer won’t let them harass you and will protect your interests.

If you’re unsure about any aspect of your claim, ask your Fielding Law attorney. We will answer your questions and concerns fully.

What Are Common Personal Injury Cases?

Fielding Law represents those injured in several kinds of common personal injury cases. We investigate your accident and the events or circumstances leading up to it to gather evidence to build your case. We also have resources that you probably don’t, so taking advantage of those resources can benefit you financially and provide you with peace of mind.

Car Accidents

Car wrecks can happen for many reasons, and most of those reasons are related to human error. One of the most common causes of car collisions is distracted driving. Anything that takes a driver’s attention and focus away from driving is a distraction. Common distractions include:

  • Texting or other use of a smartphone
  • Interactions with passengers
  • Eating or drinking
  • Grooming
  • Daydreaming

Fault is sometimes challenging to determine. If one or more vehicles involved are taxis or ridesharing autos, deciding who is responsible for paying damages gets even more complicated.

Without the assistance of a competent auto accident attorney, you may not receive the compensation you deserve. Fielding Law attorneys know the liability laws surrounding car accidents, and they can aggressively defend your right to compensation if you sustain injuries in any auto crash.

Product Liability

Although manufacturers and distributors attempt to only offer safe products for sale, consumers sometimes purchase defective products. Defective products can cause illnesses, injuries, or deaths. The companies responsible for producing and selling these goods are likely large, with the money and resources to make it difficult for the average person to fight and successfully recover damages.

The attorneys at Fielding Law have experience handling product liability claims. We understand that several parties may be liable for illnesses or injuries caused by defective products:

  • Assemblers or installers
  • The manufacturer that produces parts and components for the defective product
  • Product manufacturer
  • Retail stores selling the defective product
  • Wholesaler

We investigate and gather evidence to help you get compensation if you suffer from adverse effects of a defective product.

Slip and Fall Accidents

A slip-and-fall accident is a type of premises liability. People slip and fall in their own homes every day, but that’s not a slip-and-fall accident legally. To qualify as a premises liability case, a slip-and-fall accident and injury must take place on someone else’s property. Further, negligence on the part of the property owner or manager, or business owner must exist.

Property owners and businesses owe a duty of care to invitees and licensees who visit their properties; they must maintain safe conditions. If they discover a hazardous condition, they need to fix it immediately or warn others about it until they can remedy the unsafe situation.

Timing is crucial in slip-and-fall cases. You must prove that the party responsible for the property knew about a dangerous condition yet did nothing to prevent accidents related to it. As you can imagine, this is often challenging.

A premises liability attorney from Fielding Law can gather evidence to prove that your accident and injury resulted from someone else’s negligence. However, the sooner you contact us, the better chance we’ll have to obtain that evidence.

Truck Accidents

Fully loaded semi-trucks can legally weigh up to 80,000 pounds. With that much weight behind them, these trucks are difficult to maneuver and can’t stop quickly when traveling at speed. Because of this, many accidents involving these trucks are deadly.

Truck accident survivors often suffer severe injuries requiring extensive medical treatments and prolonged time away from work. These survivors deserve compensation, but determining who is liable for truck accidents is a complex task. Many parties are potentially responsible:

  • The truck driver
  • The company that owns the truck
  • Those responsible for loading and securing the cargo
  • Truck or component manufacturers
  • Those who perform routine maintenance or repairs

With so many parties, nobody’s insurance company wants to admit that their policyholder caused the wreck. Unfortunately, the injured victims often suffer from this reluctance to accept responsibility as well as their injuries and the traumatic effect those injuries have on their lives.

Fielding Law successfully represents truck accident victims in personal injury claims. We know how to navigate the sometimes-confusing blame game that guilty parties play, and we won’t let them take advantage of you.

Our lawyers also handle other types of personal injury cases:

What Kinds of Damages Are Available?

In Texas and Utah, you might receive compensation for three categories of damages in a personal injury case.

Economic Damages

As the name implies, this category compensates injured accident victims for economic losses caused by an accident where negligence is present. These damages have specific dollar amounts attached because the victim can receive bills for:

  • Medical treatment
  • Medications
  • Transportation costs incurred by traveling to and from medical appointments
  • Lost wages due to time away from work while recovering from injuries
  • Property damage
  • The expense of hiring caregivers

Keep all bills, invoices, and receipts for any expenses directly attributable to your accident. Your attorney will use them in your claim.

Non-Economic Damages

Not all injuries caused by accidents are physical, but they can dramatically impact accident victims. Some of these effects last a lifetime. Non-economic damages attempt to compensate injured accident survivors for things that don’t have a price tag, such as:

  • Emotional, mental, and physical pain and suffering
  • Permanent disability
  • Inconvenience
  • The inability to enjoy life as you did before your injury
  • Loss of consortium
  • Permanent disfigurement

Because these damages aren’t tangible, they are sometimes challenging to obtain. Fielding Law understands the laws governing these damages and how to build a strong case for you.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are sometimes awarded if the guilty party was intentionally malicious, reckless, or willfully fraudulent. These are only available in certain circumstances; ask your attorney if your case meets the criteria for punitive damages.

What is Defined as Personal Injury?

What is Defined as Personal Injury?

The law categorizes any physical, emotional, or reputational injury to a person as a personal injury. Therefore, under tort law, anyone who suffers losses due to personal injuries has the right to seek compensation. First, however, the claimant must prove grounds for their claim.

Grounds for a Personal Injury Claim

The distinguishing difference between the three grounds for a personal claim involves intent, and the rules that apply for each may vary from state to state. The three grounds are:

  1. Intended wrongdoing. Intentional wrongs include assault and battery, purposefully causing emotional distress, and trespassing.
  2. Negligence. Most personal injuries occur as the result of negligence. The foundation of this concept is the defendant breached an expected duty of care to which the plaintiff had a right. 
  3. Strict liability. Intent does not factor into strict liability. Under this basis, the defendant is liable whether they intended to commit the act or not. The defendant’s mental state at the time of the incident is irrelevant.

Once you establish grounds for your personal injury claim, you must collect the necessary evidence to support your claim. A personal injury attorney will investigate your claim, sometimes with assistance from other experts, to help you.

Bodily Harm vs. Non-Bodily Harm

Personal injury does not exclusively refer to physical injuries to the body. A person can file a claim for non-bodily injuries, such as defamation, an invasion of privacy, or inflicting psychological harm. You may even file for personal injury against an officer or police department for false imprisonment, false arrest, or malicious prosecution.

The primary difference in cases involving no bodily harm is the type of damages available. If you have a personal injury claim, an attorney at Fielding Law can help you determine the value of your damages and collect the evidence necessary to support your claim. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Why Do You Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Why Do You Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A severe injury upends your life. Along with life’s everyday challenges, you now face a blizzard of medical and financial uncertainties. If another party’s negligence led to your injury, engaging a personal injury attorney may be your wisest move.

Insurance Company Negotiations

Insurance companies have economic incentives to minimize payouts. With bills mounting and income reduced — or suspended — an injured person understandably wants a quick settlement. These twin incentives may lead to an unfair settlement. If more than one party bears fault for an injury, negotiations become even more difficult.

Through experience, an attorney understands what fair compensation looks like. You have the right to consult with an attorney before making written or recorded statements to an insurance adjuster. Nearly all personal injury attorneys will evaluate a case for free, making a consultation a risk-free move.

Evidence Gathering

The value of an attorney extends well beyond negotiation savvy. Evidence collection is essential for personal injury claims, and gathering this data while managing a recovery is an overwhelming mission for any layperson. As an example, privately owned surveillance cameras may record an automobile collision. A law firm has the resources to ensure the preservation of this evidence for your claim.

An insurance company may also contest the severity of your injuries and will have a battery of experts on call to support their argument. A personal injury law firm can call upon expert witnesses on your behalf, leveling the playing field.

The Fielding Law Difference

From our offices in Texas, Utah and Idaho, Fielding Law focuses exclusively on obtaining fair compensation for persons injured by another party’s negligence. If we accept your case, you will owe us nothing unless we recover money for you.

What Is the Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal Injury?

What Is the Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal Injury?

There is much confusion surrounding the terms “bodily injury” and “personal injury.” They are often used interchangeably, though they aren’t synonymous. Adding to the confusion is that personal injury has three different definitions, depending on whether it’s used in legal claims, auto insurance or homeowners and business insurance. Knowing how the law differentiates these two terms helps you understand why you might benefit from filing a personal injury lawsuit.

The Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal Injury

When you or someone you know sustains injuries in an accident, the kind of harm you think about is the physical injuries to your body. It refers to broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, lacerations and damaged soft tissues.

In a legal claim, a bodily injury is a type of personal injury, but personal injuries also include the following types of harm:

  • Mental or psychological impacts
  • Emotional trauma
  • Personal relationship damages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Reputational damage

Personal injury also includes loss of use of bodily systems or body parts. This type of injury goes beyond the physical damage to include the more abstract impacts they have on the quality of life.

The Impacts of Personal Injuries on Legal Claims

Filing a lawsuit may seem scary or not worth your time. It can be easier just to accept what the insurance company offers you than to pursue a legal claim. However, if you sustain serious injuries due to someone else’s negligence, it can have long-term and sometimes permanent impacts on your life.

You are unlikely to receive a settlement that covers all economic losses, let alone compensates you for non-economic damages. Filing a legal personal injury claim may be your only option for obtaining fair compensation. Doing so allows you to pursue economic and non-economic damages that insurance will never pay for.

If you’ve sustained injuries due to another party’s negligence, Fielding Law attorneys are here to assist. Contact our office today to schedule a free case review to determine if your case warrants filing a legal claim.

What Does Personal Injury Mean in Insurance?

What Does Personal Injury Mean in Insurance?

While many personal injury legal claims revolve around a physical injury caused by a negligent person, others are based on non-bodily personal injuries. In the insurance world, personal injury policies cover different things.

What Types of Insurance Policies Cover Personal Injuries?

Insurance companies offer several types of policies to protect you from liability if you cause an injury to someone else.

Bodily Injury

Most states require a minimum bodily injury coverage as part of automobile insurance policies. This coverage helps to pay medical costs of people in other vehicles if you cause a collision that injures them. It may also protect you if you injure a pedestrian.

Personal Injury

Not all injuries are physical, but they can damage you in other ways. Personal injury insurance protects you against things like:

  • False arrest, imprisonment, or detention
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Libel
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Slander
  • Wrongful eviction

Homeowner’s policies don’t include personal injury coverage. You’ll need to pay extra for that endorsement, but the cost is usually minimal.

Personal Liability

Personal liability coverage is typically part of your homeowners or renters insurance policy and protects you if:

  • Someone other than a resident sustains injuries on your property
  • You are guilty of damaging someone else’s property or injuring them

These policies probably won’t protect you in these instances:

  • Automobile accident liability
  • Business pursuits
  • Malpractice lawsuits
  • Residents in your home intentionally damage the property or injure someone

Commercial general liability insurance policies typically cover more types of liability than residential policies. Check with your carrier for details.

Personal Injury Protection

Some states require licensed drivers to purchase PIP insurance policies. Even if someone else causes a car accident, PIP pays towards medical expenses for anyone in your vehicle. However, it won’t pay for property damage, such as to a car or someone’s fence if you hit it.

You can’t obtain PIP in most states. In others, this coverage is optional. Check your state’s requirements and availability for this kind of policy.

What Happens If Someone Makes a Personal Injury Claim Against Me?

What Happens If Someone Makes a Personal Injury Claim Against Me?

You probably need legal representation if you’re on the receiving end of a personal injury claim. If the claim against you is valid, you don’t want the plaintiff’s insurance company or attorney to take advantage of you. If the claim is false, you need to prove it.

Valid Claims

If you caused injuries to someone else due to negligence, you owe them compensation. However, they may ask for more compensation than they deserve. Let’s say you ran a red light and caused a collision, but the other driver was texting and not paying attention to traffic.

Both of you contributed to the accident, and you may not owe as much in damages if you can prove that driver is also partially guilty. Your personal injury attorney can help establish the degree of fault that each party has so you won’t pay more than you should.

False Claims

Unfortunately, many people try to take advantage of others. Proving your innocence isn’t necessarily easy if someone falsely accuses you of wrongdoing. Hiring a personal injury lawyer to defend you has several benefits:

  • Attorneys are familiar with the laws and procedures involved.
  • Your lawyer knows the kinds of evidence you’ll need and has the resources to find it.
  • They can be your spokesperson with opposing insurance company representatives and attorneys.

If the accusation against you is false, you can potentially claim damages from the plaintiff. Your attorney can make a counterclaim in response to the claim filed against you or file a separate civil suit. You can file slander charges if the allegations against you are malicious or knowingly false.

All Claims

A competent attorney will fight for your best interests, whether you’re the plaintiff or defendant in a personal injury case. Contact Fielding Law today to see how we can help you with your issue.

What Happens If I Lose My Personal Injury Claim?

What Happens If I Lose My Personal Injury Claim?

Filing a personal injury lawsuit doesn’t guarantee you will come out on the winning side. Before you decide on entering a formal legal complaint, you need to consult with a legal professional. An attorney objectively reviews the merits of your claim and lets you know what’s required for the best chances to be successful. Losing a lawsuit can lead to catastrophic consequences, so getting experienced counsel is essential.

What Are Ways You Could Lose a Personal Injury Claim?

As a plaintiff, you have responsibilities regarding the outcome of your case. In many instances, poor choices lead to inevitable losses. These are issues that can jeopardize your chance for a recovery:

  • Choosing self-representation: Representing yourself in a personal injury claim is risky for numerous reasons. Most people who attempt to litigate their cases lose and do so quickly. A seemingly trivial mistake can result in your case being dismissed on a technicality.
  • Misrepresenting the facts of your case: It is crucial to be honest. Exaggerating claims is a serious legal violation when you have sworn to tell the truth and if court documents were entered on your behalf as trustworthy statements regarding an accident.
  • Discussing your case in public: If you talk about your case on social media sites or in other public venues, any misstatements discovered by the other party can be used against you.

These are a number of situations that could cause you to lose your case that are out of an attorney’s hands.

What Option Do You Have If You Lose?

If you lose your case in court, you can no longer seek a legal remedy. This could leave you on the hook for thousands of dollars in medical bills and other accrued expenses. If you are unable to work due to your injury, the results may be tragic for you and your loved ones.

What Percentage of Injury Claims Go To Court?

What Percentage of Injury Claims Go To Court?

Only a fraction of personal injury cases make it to the courtroom. Most settle during pre-trial or come to a conclusion during mediation. Several factors can affect whether your case settles or goes to trial.

Evidence and Negotiations

The strength of your evidence directly affects your ability to negotiate. For example, if you suffered an injury in a car accident and immediately saw a doctor, you can produce the following evidence:

  • Medical records showing the diagnosis and the doctor’s acknowledgment of the accident
  • Medical bills to support your demands for compensation
  • A valid reason for missing work that relates directly to the accident

If you took photographs of the accident scene and your injuries, you may have enough evidence to support a claim of negligence as well, but you should prepare for the defense’s response.

The Effect of Shared Fault

The most common defense in a personal injury case is an allegation of shared negligence. For example, suppose you slipped and fell on another person’s property. In that case, the property owner may argue that you should have seen the hazardous condition that caused your fall, or you entered an area of the property where you should have assumed a certain level of risk.

Comparative Negligence

Most states address the issue of shared fault with the comparative negligence rule. This rule allows you to recover a portion of compensation after removing your percentage of fault. Your eligibility depends on your state and what version of comparative negligence they follow.

Most states follow modified comparative negligence, which only allows you to receive compensation if you are not more responsible for the accident than the defendant. Fewer states follow the pure comparative fault rule, which mandates payment for the plaintiff even if they are primarily responsible.

Should I Settle My Personal Injury Claim?

Should I Settle My Personal Injury Claim?

The decision to settle is one of the most important choices regarding a personal injury claim. Insurance companies often push you to accept an offer because it is in their interest to wrap up a claim swiftly. They may bring multiple offers to the table to put pressure on. Dealing with mounting medical expenses and being out of work could make a settlement offer seem worthwhile. It is essential to have an experienced personal injury attorney guide you through this process.

Deciding To Settle Your Claim

There are two important considerations before deciding to settle: knowing how close you are to finishing medical treatment and understanding the extent of your injuries. As attorneys, we are concerned with the totality of your condition, which includes pain and suffering. We determine various economic and non-economic losses that apply and use these to calculate the actual value of your case. An experienced attorney has a reasonably good idea of what your case is worth from the start and knows how to frame a demand for damages.

You never want to impulsively settle a claim because there is no going back once the decision is final. Taking a settlement means you have no right to seek further compensation if your physical condition worsens, and you need additional medical treatment. The outcome of an inadequate settlement could have catastrophic consequences for your future.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Sometimes, it is impossible to reach a settlement through informal negotiations in an insurance claim. A personal injury lawsuit is an important option to seek a larger damage award that fits your circumstances. An experienced personal injury attorney knows how to handle these cases and aggressively fights for you.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury?

What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury?

All personal injury claims are subject to a statute of limitations; this is a limit on the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit after your injury. Each state sets statute of limitations time frames and possible exceptions to them. These vary from one to six years, so it’s crucial to determine the statute of limitations in your state for your specific circumstances.

The statute of limitations for most personal injury lawsuits is two years in Texas, but you have four years in Utah. If you don’t file a lawsuit in court before these times expire, the court will likely reject your claim. The clock usually starts counting down on the day of your injury.

A single state can have different statutes of limitations for each category of personal injury claim. You may have four years to file a lawsuit for medical malpractice, but only two years for a wrongful death suit, for instance.

What if the Statute of Limitations Expires?

If the statute of limitations expires in specific circumstances, you may still qualify to file a lawsuit. Each state has its own exceptions. Some of these fall under the discovery rule, and most states allow them.

  • You may not know (and shouldn’t reasonably know) that you have an illness or injury immediately. An example is developing mesothelioma due to long-term asbestos exposure.
  • You were unaware that someone’s negligence might have caused your injury or illness.

In these cases, you didn’t have time to file a lawsuit within the specified time frame. If you’re able to pursue your claim, the statute of limitations begins when you’re made aware. Other potential exceptions include cases where the plaintiff is a minor or mentally disabled and those where the defendant leaves the state where your injury occurred.

Guidelines for filing a lawsuit against a governmental entity are stricter than for other types of personal injury claims. For these and all other personal injury claims, ask your personal injury attorney from Fielding Law about your statute of limitations to ensure that you don’t miss the deadline.

Will You Let Fielding Law Help You?

If you sustained injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you might qualify to receive compensation through a personal injury claim. We at Fielding Law know that there are many personal injury attorneys to choose from, and we’d like to tell you why we stand out from the rest.

  • We respond to calls or emails promptly, thoroughly addressing any concerns you might have.
  • Every client has direct access to their attorney; you won’t just speak with our office staff.
  • We work hard on every case. We get to know our clients personally, and we’ll do our best to obtain maximum compensation for you quickly.
  • You benefit from the resources of a large law firm that focuses on personal injury law.

You can trust Fielding Law to represent your interests aggressively. We understand that you didn’t ask for your injuries, and we want to help you get the amount of compensation you deserve. When you hire Fielding Law, your case becomes our focus. Your job is to recover from your injuries, and our job is to negotiate with liable insurance companies on your behalf.

You can reach us 24/7 at (877) 880-4090 or by using live chat on our website. You can also submit our free case evaluation online request form. We want to show you why many Texas and Utah residents rely on Fielding Law to represent them; let us assist you too.

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