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What You Should Know About Utah’s “Stand Your Ground” Law

Posted February 20, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog

Stand your ground laws have gotten a lot of publicity nationwide as a result of certain highly-publicized trials in Florida and elsewhere. The trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012 did much to bring such laws to the forefront of the nation’s consciousness. Utah is one of many states with… read more

5 Common Mistakes Made After a Car Crash

Posted December 27, 2017 | Personal Injury Blog

You might assume that if you were in a car accident that someone else caused, you’re automatically going to be eligible for damage recovery. While this is true in most cases, sometimes injured parties can make mistakes that hurt their chances and even bar them from recovery. Don’t put your financial future at risk. Avoid… read more

Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Posted December 23, 2017 | Personal Injury Blog

If you’re in the beginning stages of a personal injury lawsuit in Dallas, you might be wondering what types of damages you could be eligible to recover. While each case is unique, there are types of financial compensation you can expect to arise from most types of claims. The Texas courts allow injured parties to… read more

How to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Salt Lake City

Posted December 19, 2017 | Personal Injury Blog

You recently suffered a serious injury in Salt Lake City, and now you’re dealing with expensive medical costs, lost income from missed days at work, physical pain, emotional suffering, and maybe property damage as well. You didn’t cause your accident, maybe a distracted driver did,  and you don’t feel like you should have to pay… read more

Symptoms to Look for After a Car Accident

Posted December 19, 2017 | Personal Injury Blog

Car accidents are extremely jarring for the drivers and passengers involved. Every car accident involves three collisions: the vehicle collision, the physical collision, and the internal collision. At each phase, a person can sustain serious injuries. While some injuries show immediate symptoms, other symptoms are hidden or delayed. Some signs of injury are more serious… read more

The Importance of Insurance in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Posted November 21, 2017 | Personal Injury Blog

After any kind of personal injury accident, your first instinct should be to call your insurance company. You make payments to one or more insurers to maintain auto, home, business, and/or health coverage. After an injury, you finally have the ability to recover benefits from the policy you’ve kept. In any personal injury case, you… read more

Holiday Safety: Most Common Injuries in Salt Lake City

Posted November 19, 2017 | Personal Injury Blog

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for most. For some, it’s the season for personal injuries and illnesses. In Salt Lake City, some injuries are more common than others around the holidays. Snow and ice accidents, for example, send hundreds to the hospital each year around Christmas and New Year’s. Recognizing the most common… read more