(877) 880-4090Protecting Yourself from Drunk Drivers During the Holidays
Posted December 19, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
The holidays are some of the most dangerous times to be on the road. Drunk driving rates increase around each holiday season, with an average of 300 people dying in drunk driving crashes the week between Christmas and New Year’s alone. You cannot always predict a drunk driving accident, but you may be able to… read more
What Prescription Drugs Impair Driving?
Posted December 18, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
Driving under the influence (DUI) does not only refer to driving drunk. Driving after taking prescription medications or illegal drugs can also result in a DUI. Many drivers mistakenly believe taking prescription drugs before driving is safe, because a doctor prescribed them. Unfortunately, this leads to impaired driving and related car accidents. In one study,… read more
What You Need Before a Free Consultation
Posted December 17, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
Most personal injury attorneys offer free first consultations to potential clients. The goals of the free consultation are to answer the client’s questions, inform the individual of his/her rights, and to offer non-obligatory legal counsel. As someone recently involved in a personal injury accident, it is your responsibility to schedule a free consultation and prepare… read more
Romaine Lettuce E. coli Symptoms
Posted December 14, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued a food safety alert on November 26, 2018, concerning romaine lettuce grown in northern and central California. The food safety alert warns consumers of the risk of contracting Escherichia coli (E. coli) from eating contaminated romaine lettuce. The particular strain of E. coli involved in… read more
What Do I Need Before a Free Consultation With a Lawyer?
Posted December 13, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
A consultation with a Mesquite accident attorney is an important step in securing legal representation. Attorneys offer free consultations to attract new clients and offer potential clients the opportunity to learn more about their legal rights and options in civil and criminal matters. Keep a few things in mind about free consultations offered by attorneys…. read more
Greyhound Bus Liability After a Crash
Posted November 13, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
Buses have long been touted as a relatively safe way to travel. Not only are they large, they also have energy-absorbing seat backs that help protect passengers in case of a crash. However, many of these buses do not have seat belts, which becomes an issue of liability in the event of a bus accident…. read more
Class Action Lawsuits: Everything You Need to Know
Posted November 7, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
Thousands of people incur injury and other damages resulting from negligence in a given year, and sometimes these injuries result from a single source. When one act of negligence leads to the injury of several people, what’s known as a mass tort action may result. You may know mass tort actions as class action lawsuits…. read more
Safety on School Buses: Are Seatbelt’s Required?
Posted November 7, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
October hosted National School Bus Safety Week, yet news of bus crashes continues to dominate the headlines. Across the country, students face dangers at bus stops and within the vehicles themselves. Many of these accidents stem from a failure to observe a bus’s stop sign, but the question remains if injuries could have been prevented… read more
Tools You Can Use to Prevent Teens From Distracted Driving
Posted October 26, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
Distracted driving greatly increases the risk of being in an accident, yet people continue to use their phones while behind the wheel. Teen drivers are especially prone to this type of behavior when they start to drive on their own. You can teach your teens about the dangers of distracted driving, but making them put… read more
How Severe Does My Fender Bender Need to Be Before Calling the Police?
Posted October 26, 2018 | Personal Injury Blog
Car accidents are stressful events, and it can be hard to think clearly when your adrenaline surges. Taking appropriate steps after an accident is key to filing a successful claim, whether it will be with your insurance or against the other driver. You should always consider calling the police to file a report after a… read more