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What Happens If You Get Hurt On An Oil Rig?

Posted August 2, 2024 | Personal Injury Blog

Oil rig work can be tempting, with long shifts compensated with high pay and lots of time off. However, oil rig workers can face risks such as chemical exposure, fires, and falls from heights on a daily basis. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 83 people died in oil and gas extraction industry accidents in 2022.

Oil rig injuries can be catastrophic, life-changing, and even fatal. If you or a loved one has been injured on an oil rig, now is the time to discover your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. Oil rig accident lawyers understand what you are going through and can help you explore the legal avenues open to you.

Join us as we discuss what you should do if you have been hurt on an oil rig and how oil rig accident attorneys can help.

What Happens If You Get Hurt On An Oil Rig?

First Steps After an Oil Rig Injury

There are a few key steps you must take to protect yourself and your legal rights after getting injured on an oil rig. Missing any of these could affect the compensation you could receive.

Seek medical attention

Oil rig injuries can be serious, even if you do not feel too bad immediately after your accident. Oil rigs have on-site medical personnel. You must first allow them to provide initial care. If your condition is serious, they may arrange a medical evacuation to get you to the nearest medical facility for treatment.

Getting immediate medical attention also helps to document your injuries. This may make it easier to prove that they were caused by your oil rig accident when preparing your claim.

Report the injury

Don’t just assume your employer knows what happened and has filed a report. Follow the company’s policy for reporting accidents and injuries to the letter. If you fail to do so, you may risk discipline from your employer and jeopardize your rights to compensation. 

Personally document the incident

Memories can fade fast, so make personal notes about what happened leading up to your accident. Just because everything happened as usual does not necessarily mean it was done by the book. Also, take photographs of the scene, note down eyewitnesses, and photograph your injuries. 

Seek legal representation

This step can be more complicated than it sounds. Oil rigs often promote a family culture. They may pressure you not to report the accident or make a big deal of your injuries. You could be made to feel you are betraying your work family.

Don’t let this pressure hold you back from seeking legal advice as early in the process as possible. As soon as you are well enough, schedule a consultation with a law firm that has experience in handling oil rig accidents. Oil rig accident attorneys can guide the next steps you take and help you avoid saying or doing things that could jeopardize your chances of securing fair compensation.

How Oil Rig Lawyers Fight for Injured Workers

Although they happen in the workplace, oil rig accidents can differ from other workplace accidents. Experienced oil rig attorneys will examine all available legal avenues to give you the best chance of securing fair compensation for your injuries

Generally, when someone gets injured at work, he or she must file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. This provides basic coverage limited to medical expenses and some of your lost earnings. It does not make provision for non-economic losses, such as pain and suffering. 

If you work on an inland oil rig, you will likely be covered by workers’ compensation. If defective machinery caused your injuries, you may be able to file a product liability claim. Or if your injuries were caused by a third party’s actions, you may be able to bring a lawsuit against them for breaching their duty of care toward you.

The Jones Act 

The Jones Act, part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, covers some oil rig workers who are classified as seamen. You may qualify if your oil rig meets the following criteria:

  • US-built and owned
  • The crew is at least 75 percent American
  • Flies the US flag
  • Not attached to the ocean floor

Additionally, you must spend more than 30 percent of your time on the rig to be covered by the act. The Jones Act opens up the possibility of accessing additional compensation not provided by workers’ compensation.

 Such compensation may include:

  • Lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental distress

The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA)

If the oil rig you work on is attached to the ocean floor, you may be covered by the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA). This is for land-based maritime workers, and its terms are usually slightly more generous than state workers’ compensation programs.

Don’t downplay your rights

When you work on an oil rig, you may feel that accidents are just a part of life. However, everyone has the right to feel safe and be protected from serious injury and death at work. When oil rig accident lawyers start to investigate your case, they may find that safety protocols were not being followed and you were not being adequately protected.

Our oil rig accident attorneys can work with industry experts to review serious cases. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to find additional liable parties to pursue for compensation that can help you rebuild your life after a severe injury.

How to Minimize Your Stress After an Oil Rig Accident

Fighting for justice after sustaining injuries on an oil rig can be a stressful process. We understand your job is important, and nobody wants to feel he or she is letting the side down. At the same time, it’s vital to protect your health and long-term financial well-being. 

At Fielding Law, our oil rig accident lawyers are proud to represent the people of Texas and Utah, two key oil-producing states. We understand the challenges unique to the oil industry, the devastation oil rig accidents can cause, and the urgent need to fight for the rights of victims. We will listen to your story with compassion and a keen desire to help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

For peace of mind, schedule a free case evaluation and learn more about your legal options. Call us today at (877) 880-4090 or contact us online to talk to an oil rig accident attorney.

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Text edited by Mitchell Fielding, a personal injury lawyer and partner at Fielding Law. Mitchell is known for his hard work ethic, friendly personality and dedication to the law. You can find out personal injury law offices in Taylorsville, UT and Mesquite, TX.