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Month: August 2024

Can Someone Sue You For A Car Accident If You Have Insurance

Posted August 30, 2024 | Personal Injury Blog

Yes, you can get sued even when you have car insurance. We buy auto insurance with the expectation that it will protect our interests if we get into an accident that was our fault, but it does not prevent the other party from suing us. If you are being sued or someone is threatening legal… read more

The Trouble With Self-Driving Cars

Posted August 27, 2024 | Personal Injury Blog

As we stand on the brink of a transportation advancement, self-driving cars are no longer a figment of science fiction. They’re here and being tested on our roads. Manufacturers of self-driving cars claim these vehicles will help people in many ways. According to one study, driverless cars could potentially reduce traffic accidents by up to 90… read more

Regulations and Legal Challenges for Driverless Cars in Texas

Posted August 23, 2024 | Personal Injury Blog

As the auto industry advances towards driverless cars, Texas finds itself at the forefront. The Lone Star State has become a key testing ground for driverless cars. In 2017, the state passed Senate Bill 2205, laying the groundwork for testing and operating driverless cars on public roads. However, this new technology presents new legal challenges…. read more

Can You Sue For Airline Incidents?

Posted August 20, 2024 | Personal Injury Blog

Air travel has become something commonplace for many people, yet news reports of accidents and injuries on flights may make one wonder what the legal recourse is for those affected by airline incidents. Whether an error causes severe delay, baggage is damaged or lost, or defective parts cause injury to passengers, airlines are not immune to personal… read more

What Happens If You Get Hurt On An Oil Rig?

Posted August 2, 2024 | Personal Injury Blog

Oil rig work can be tempting, with long shifts compensated with high pay and lots of time off. However, oil rig workers can face risks such as chemical exposure, fires, and falls from heights on a daily basis. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 83 people died in oil and gas extraction industry accidents in 2022…. read more